
Please respect that the author's entires and photographs are copyrighted. You are welcome to provide a link to this blog, but don't take this as your own. Piper appreciates your cooperation.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Colder and Closer to Christmas

It has turned colder here. Will we have snow for Christmas? Very unlikely, but you never know! This is a picture will a light dusting of snow from several years ago, but it didn't fall on Christmas.

There has to be an update on Piper, too, of course. She'is doing fine. It's amazing how their coat goes from sleek to fluffy so quickly as winter approaches. I'll look forward to some warmer days when I can work with her. However, she doesn't seem to mind having a lot of leisure time and always enjoys her meals! I'll be sure to include a picture of her the next time I post!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Finally... a New Post!

You'll notice that I haven't posted here for a long time. I got sick towards the end of May and had to head straight to the hospital where I stayed for almost a week. That was to get things stabilized and I knew I had to go back for surgery. I continued to hurt and not feel well all summer and finally had my surgery on September 18th. Again, I was in the hospital for almost a week, but I'm home now and I hope once all this heals, it will be the end of medical issues for a long time.

Piper is doing well. She just had a long summer of rest which she probably didn't mind during the hot weather. For a change we got rain during the summer so the pasture is in better shape than it usually is this time of the year. The flip side was the hay farmers couldn't cut and bale hay all summer because it rained nearly every day. Finally the daily rains stopped and the farmers could cut and bale hay so we could get Piper a new supply of hay.

I've bought some training aids and horse toys so hopefully I'll be able to use them with her soon. Here she is with her training ball. It's supposed to desensitize them to sudden movement, but as you can see it didn't really bother her. We placed some hay on top and she thought that was no big deal.

I don't know how long it will be before I ride again. We'll start back with ground work once I feel up to it. At least there is fall weather ahead which is so much more comfortable for me with outdoor activities.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

New Pictures... Finally!

I finally remembered to take my camera down to the barn and get some new pictures of Piper. Sorry she isn't posed a bit more, but she was trying to enjoy munching on the grass!

Notice the place in the middle of her mane that is sticking straight up? Before I got her, I was told she would reach way into the hay rack to get every last bit of hay (which is totally believable... she eats every piece of her hay) and that in reaching way underneath, she totally wore away that part of her mane. I sure will be happy when it grows back to full length, but she has a long mane so it will be awhile.

Enjoy your weekend and thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Fly Spray and Hay

I know that heading sounds like a terrible combination. Piper may not have ever been sprayed with fly spray before we got her. That was another thing she had a strong reaction to ... and fly season is here so we have been working with her so she doesn't think it's so bad. The first technique was to spray pretty far away from her body and only a time or two. Then we thought about using a spray bottle with water in case it was a little less stressful if it didn't smell funny. That helped. The most help of all was today when I fed her handfuls of hay at the time she was getting sprayed. Yes, pleasant associations!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Piper in the Pollen

Although I meant to take the camera to the barn with me one day this week, I didn't manage it yet. I wanted to post a picture of Piper with pollen on her nose. I guess she grazes and pollen has coated the pasture. Why not? It has coated everything else! This week there is so much pollen that we have to empty and refill her tub nearly every time we walk to the barn. (She drinks from an old bathtub. Plenty of uses for old things when you have a horse!) I emptied and refilled the tub when I was there just before dark last evening. Then my husband went down this morning and refilled it and said there was so much pollen that it had built itself into a little "pollen island" in the middle of the tub. He had no idea I had cleaned and refilled it about 12 hours earlier.

We had a thunderstorm roll though around 2 a.m. - loud enough to wake us up, but we dodged the really bad storms yesterday so we need to be happy about that. Some friends came over to meet Piper this morning and I thought we would get rained on any minute, but it didn't happen. Piper was so impressed to have visitors! She really loves people, but she has been "nagging" me about getting some more of her pictures on her blog so I'll do that soon.  The weather totally cleared up after lunch. The sun was out and there was a nice breeze, so I spent more time at the barn. Piper's starting to shed and I'm eager to see what she will look like with a sleek coat.

That first picture I'm posting is from a dogwood tree in front of our house. Looking opposite the dogwood, you see these fantastic azalea bushes. They are at their peak right now! If only all those beautiful flowers could arrive without filling our world with pollen. Of course, I think it's mostly the trees that are the worst pollen offenders. They go from bare to having all their leaves in about a week. Certainly with the rain, the pollen will taper off soon. We can hope!

Meanwhile I've been busy planting my seedlings from my winter sowing season. I love winter sowing and typically sow about 100 containers! I guess I should be thankful the rain came along to water the plants. I've already used the hose to water several times on some of our extra warm and sunny days.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, March 29, 2013

New and Improved Steps

A new horse brings all kinds of different dimensions to birthday gifts. Here are my new and improved steps, actually a mounting block. Can't wait to try it out. Several new training books as gifts also, so Piper will be having class soon!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Stare Down

I had Piper doing really well with her meal time routine. I think she wanted to see whether she really had to follow the rules or not this evening. I told her to back away from the feed room door and waved my glove at her. She only moved back about 5 inches and was standing there staring at me. I was staring back. Yes, we were like two kids. After a minute I went towards her, pointed to he stall, and said "Go" using a commanding voice. She turned and walked into her stall. I felt great that she was following my commands so well.

Now I have a new worry. We never used to find her in her stall when we walked down to the barn. Both my husband and I have gone down several times now and she has been in her stall. I came back to the house this evening and started thinking that maybe when I tell her to go into her stall she doesn't realize it's okay to come out again after I've put her feed and her hay in there. What do you think? I went from thinking she was so smart to thinking maybe she isn't so smart after all!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Wild Woman Cracks the Whip

Well, perhaps that is a bit of an exaggeration. I was the wild woman and the whip was a hand towel, and I was only so bold and brave because I was carrying my red plastic wiffle ball bat. So what led up to me being so armed and dangerous? Piper, of course!

Piper came to us not really understanding a lot about a person's personal space. She would stand too close and move with not much regard to where a person was and thought nothing of pinning back her ears telling us to stay out of her space or that she didn’t like what we were doing. Most of that has already resolved. However, she was still a bit too eager at mealtime. Recently when I go down to feed her, as I open the door to the feed room, she is right at my back. On Saturday evening, she decided I should hurry along to she pushed her head at me, hitting me at the back of my head.

Okay, that was too dangerous. Sunday morning I showed up armed. I walked into the pasture swinging my white hand towel in her direction and threatening her and she looked at me as if to say, "Who is this crazy woman who showed up in my pasture?" Once in the feed room, I also had the wiffle ball bat and came towards her with that. (For all animal lovers - and we are animal lovers - I was not intending to hit her with any of this.) It took very little time for her to decide to simply walk to her stall and wait there until her food showed up. We are now several feedings later and she is staying out of my space at feeding time and typically once she sees what's going on, she will wait near or in her stall. Don't you love it when they learn something?

Friday, March 15, 2013

Hi-Ho, Piper

It was such a pretty day that my husband and I walked to the barn and worked Piper in the round pen. She did pretty well and I decided to ride for a little while and it's always a good day when my short little legs get me into the saddle! I can't say it was smooth and coordinated. She is still trying to figure out how I ride and vice versa.
The Hi-Ho, Piper title refers to the fact that when she was in the round pen, minus me thankfully, she reared a bit. I've never seen her do that before. Maybe she thought someone from Hollywood would cast her as a replacement for Silver in The Lone Ranger. (Okay, I remember that TV show and used to watch it.) Anyway, I hope from now on she decides to keep all four feet more towards the ground.
Yes, she had a bit of "attitude" today.
I need to bring my camera with me sometime soon and get more pictures. I know the posts without pictures are not so much fun to read. Piper says a talent agent will never find her if I don't post more pictures!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Attack of the Umbrellas

I'll very likely be going back and forth with some of my "Piper tales." Not long after we got Piper, we had a morning when it was raining really hard. My husband and I walked down to the barn carrying our umbrellas. Piper saw us and her reaction was like what you would see from a cartoon character - she startled, her legs went out in all directions, her eyes got big, and she stared like she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She  didn't move a muscle. Yes, to her it was like a spaceship had landed from Mars! Of course, by now my husband and I are laughing like you wouldn't believe. It's my guess she had never seen an umbrella before. She now tolerates umbrellas just fine so she is a quick study!

The other side of the story about rain is that I don't think she ever had a stall before. Our barn opens to the pasture so we leave her stall door open so she can go in and out as she pleases. There is also a large overhang on the barn roof so there are plenty of places to stay dry. Until recently, if it rained, she stayed out in the pasture and stood in the rain - even if it was pouring, cold, or the rain lasted all day. She would look so pitiful, all wet and cold. I kept thinking of the saying "too stupid to come in out of the rain." That didn't give me high hopes for her intelligence. Lately when it has rained, her coat is dry so I think she must have learned that going into her stall is a fine thing. I have to hand it to her through, she never goes to the bathroom in her stall - it's used only for eating - so it sure is nice not to have to be pushing the wheelbarrow around and cleaning the stall. Way to go, Piper!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Finally, Nice Weather!

Here's where Piper looks the most like an Appaloosa.

You couldn't see the blanket markings on Piper in the other pictures so I decided to add this one. Yes, she is starting to shed out some of her winter coat. It certainly feels odd to be taking a picture of your horse's back. Anyway, "back" to the present...

We've had lots of rain and colder weather lately (about 4 weeks worth) so we haven't been working Piper in the round pen for quite awhile. Yesterday was our first day of refreshing her on round pen work and it wasn't pretty; the weather was, but not her performance. Today I decided to try it with a saddle on her and it went so much better - whether that was because it was her second day in a row getting worked in there or because of the saddle, I don't know - but whatever works!

I will back up a bit and tell you how I got Piper. After my old mare died I was going to try to go horse-less which was really going to please my husband. However, I can't tell you how much I missed having a horse and decided we would take a year off from having horses; then I would begin to look for one in fall 2012. I had a major trip planned for late October so I didn't begin to look seriously until after that. It was very hard shopping for a horse. I had a pretty specific list and "quiet enough for me" and "short enough for me" were especially important. (It's amazing how many horses are over 15 hands.)

Piper has her issues and although she is five, she never got much training so it's much like working with a younger horse. She has progressed a lot as far as us handling her for grooming and for basic things when we work with her from on the ground. Her foot pops up as soon as you ask for it, she's always at the gate or comes immediately when she sees us, and she almost puts her halter on herself when you hold it out in front of her. All excellent behavior. I won't list the "not so excellent behaviors" but we are working on them. You'll probably read about some of them on my blog.

I often hear things along the lines of "You don't get the (blank) you want, you get the (blank) you need" and that may be the case with me and Piper. I really like her despite her shortfalls and she is coming along.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Here's Piper!

Piper is a 5 year old Appaloosa mare that I purchased early in 2013. She's a big change from my 33 year old mare that I had for 29 years. Unfortunately, my elderly mare died in January 2012. This blog will be about Piper and my experiences working with her - with me as the "senior citizen" owner and her as a much younger horse with her own special "attitude."

Piper and I hope you will stop back to visit us soon!