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Friday, April 12, 2013

Piper in the Pollen

Although I meant to take the camera to the barn with me one day this week, I didn't manage it yet. I wanted to post a picture of Piper with pollen on her nose. I guess she grazes and pollen has coated the pasture. Why not? It has coated everything else! This week there is so much pollen that we have to empty and refill her tub nearly every time we walk to the barn. (She drinks from an old bathtub. Plenty of uses for old things when you have a horse!) I emptied and refilled the tub when I was there just before dark last evening. Then my husband went down this morning and refilled it and said there was so much pollen that it had built itself into a little "pollen island" in the middle of the tub. He had no idea I had cleaned and refilled it about 12 hours earlier.

We had a thunderstorm roll though around 2 a.m. - loud enough to wake us up, but we dodged the really bad storms yesterday so we need to be happy about that. Some friends came over to meet Piper this morning and I thought we would get rained on any minute, but it didn't happen. Piper was so impressed to have visitors! She really loves people, but she has been "nagging" me about getting some more of her pictures on her blog so I'll do that soon.  The weather totally cleared up after lunch. The sun was out and there was a nice breeze, so I spent more time at the barn. Piper's starting to shed and I'm eager to see what she will look like with a sleek coat.

That first picture I'm posting is from a dogwood tree in front of our house. Looking opposite the dogwood, you see these fantastic azalea bushes. They are at their peak right now! If only all those beautiful flowers could arrive without filling our world with pollen. Of course, I think it's mostly the trees that are the worst pollen offenders. They go from bare to having all their leaves in about a week. Certainly with the rain, the pollen will taper off soon. We can hope!

Meanwhile I've been busy planting my seedlings from my winter sowing season. I love winter sowing and typically sow about 100 containers! I guess I should be thankful the rain came along to water the plants. I've already used the hose to water several times on some of our extra warm and sunny days.

Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I'll bet you WILL get that photo of Piper and the pollen. We have it here also, my allergies have started acting up! But, after the rain all was green again yesterday. I guess we got the same storms you did only not as bad.

    We, we are thankful all is well too! I think some forest trees down by the winds and shallow roots on some of them. Plus the limbs break off.
    But, none on the house and no power outage like in the city!
    Smiles, cyndi
