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Saturday, May 18, 2013

New Pictures... Finally!

I finally remembered to take my camera down to the barn and get some new pictures of Piper. Sorry she isn't posed a bit more, but she was trying to enjoy munching on the grass!

Notice the place in the middle of her mane that is sticking straight up? Before I got her, I was told she would reach way into the hay rack to get every last bit of hay (which is totally believable... she eats every piece of her hay) and that in reaching way underneath, she totally wore away that part of her mane. I sure will be happy when it grows back to full length, but she has a long mane so it will be awhile.

Enjoy your weekend and thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Fly Spray and Hay

I know that heading sounds like a terrible combination. Piper may not have ever been sprayed with fly spray before we got her. That was another thing she had a strong reaction to ... and fly season is here so we have been working with her so she doesn't think it's so bad. The first technique was to spray pretty far away from her body and only a time or two. Then we thought about using a spray bottle with water in case it was a little less stressful if it didn't smell funny. That helped. The most help of all was today when I fed her handfuls of hay at the time she was getting sprayed. Yes, pleasant associations!