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Friday, March 15, 2013

Hi-Ho, Piper

It was such a pretty day that my husband and I walked to the barn and worked Piper in the round pen. She did pretty well and I decided to ride for a little while and it's always a good day when my short little legs get me into the saddle! I can't say it was smooth and coordinated. She is still trying to figure out how I ride and vice versa.
The Hi-Ho, Piper title refers to the fact that when she was in the round pen, minus me thankfully, she reared a bit. I've never seen her do that before. Maybe she thought someone from Hollywood would cast her as a replacement for Silver in The Lone Ranger. (Okay, I remember that TV show and used to watch it.) Anyway, I hope from now on she decides to keep all four feet more towards the ground.
Yes, she had a bit of "attitude" today.
I need to bring my camera with me sometime soon and get more pictures. I know the posts without pictures are not so much fun to read. Piper says a talent agent will never find her if I don't post more pictures!

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